Key themes: Celebration, health and body healing, practical manifestation, a new chapter

Cancer, we’re officially in your season and you’re ready to thrive, heal, grow and attract more abundance than ever into your life. The good news is, all of the above is on the menu for the month of July.

We begin with a Full Moon in your opposite sign of Capricorn. This one activates your sector of relationships and will feel particularly powerful as it aligns with the planetary nodes of Jupiter (planet of expansion). Because Capricorn energy is actually your opposite vibe, it’s also the place where you’ll be able to access balance and personal evolution. This week’s signature is all about getting honest with yourself about your dreams; as well as determining what steps you can take to make them happen. Your sign’s vibes are inward and yin, ruling emotions and safe space; while Capricorn’s energy is outward and yang, ruling finance and building in the world. But this doesn’t mean you have to be disempowered when it comes to manifesting externally. You’ll be able to infuse your “work” spheres with your unique magic. This just takes a little (or a lot of) creativity, consistency and self-belief. You’ve got this Cancer.

Plus, you’re more than supported by the universe. On July 10th, Mars (planet of action) enters Virgo – one of the most objective and practical signs of the zodiac. Virgo energy is highly service-focused, and you’ll notice a shift in your desire to get to work. This might mean decluttering your space, applying for new jobs, or getting started on that creative project. Ride the waves, and it’ll pay off. You’re at your solar return and a brand new chapter Cancer. Anything is possible.

The creative fire will continue blazing with Mercury entering Leo on July 11th. Leo, amongst other things, is the sign of creative expression. Think of the energy where your inner child finds joy in effortlessly creating, with no self-perceived limitations. These are the vibes that you’ll be able to tune into, and you’re here for it.

July 17th’s New Moon in your sign is a super powerful time for more than one reason. A New Moon in her ruler (your sign) is always potent, but on this day the lunar nodes are also shifting for the first time in eighteen months. If it aligns, use this time to reflect back on the last year and a half, and the lessons and themes that arose. You’re now wrapping them up, and heading into a new chapter of evolutionary growth. Because the nodes will now be activating your sectors of career and family, it’ll be worth paying extra attention to these themes.

Venus is stationing retrograde on July 22nd through the sign of Leo, and for you this activates a strong journey of self-love and healing; specifically relative to your body. This might mean taking an honest look at your health and vitality, to see how you can better nurture yourself. It might mean pouring more love and appreciation into your body, and noticing where you’ve previously treated it either like a machine or something “flawed.” Either way, your body gifts you life, breath and your experiences in every moment. No matter how you feed or treat it, it tries its best to function for you. Here, the universe is reminding you that your body is one of your best friends.