Key Themes: ​​Empowerment, changing your life, balanced relationships, dreaming big

And here we are Cancer, 2023. This powerful month (and indeed year) can be one that catalyzes positive change that stays with you for the rest of your life. Get ready.

We kick off the year with our first Full Moon of the year, on January 6th. Here, the moon is in its home sign of… you guessed it – Cancer. This Full Moon tends to be one of the most powerful of the whole year, almost like the potency of a Full Moon is compounded on itself. Activating your sector of identity, the universe is inviting you to step into a more empowered and embodied state. It’ll be a time to connect with your power and strength – as well as the awareness of both of these things. As a Cancer, you may have the tendency to minimize or underestimate yourself, but here’s a reminder that doing so is not necessary. 2023 can look like a completely different chapter than the ones that have come before it. Set your intentions here, and so they will be.

Almost a week later (Jan 12th) we see the planet of action Mars, ending its retrograde and going direct in the sign of Gemini. This means a sense of clarity, forward momentum and inspiration will be invigorating your sector of spiritual connection and creativity. This might be a time when you start receiving some epiphanies or full circle moments about your place in the world. It will also be an incredible time to lean into creative or artistic pursuits. Think pottery classes, painting, writing – or whatever else floats your boat.

A week later Jan 18th we also collectively end our Mercury retrograde, with the planet of communication going direct in Capricorn. Cancer, for you this activates your sector of relationships – making it the perfect time to have some honest conversations (whether internally or actually with another person). It’ll be a period where you will be able to tune clearly into themes like giving and reciving, and whether or not your relationships feel balanced. There may be some adjustments required, but trust that by knowing you deserve loving relationships and creating the space, you’ll allow the right people to enter (and stay in) your life.

A few days later (Jan 20th), Aquarius season begins, and we have a New Moon the next day on Jan 21st. This seed sowing time will be a deep and potent one for you, as it’s activating your sector of transformation and the subconscious. Get ready for themes that have been brewing to boil up to the surface, and don’t be too surprised at what you find. More often than not, even the ‘ugly’ truths are necessary to acknowledge before toxic situations can be transmuted into power and healing. Here, there’s a reminder that life isn’t always comfortable, but that certainly doesn’t mean you’re failing. Trust your intuition, in spirit, and all will fall into place as it should.

We end the month on a transcendental note with Venus entering Pisces on Jan 26th. In other words, the universe is inviting you into a space of dreaming as big as you possibly can, knowing that abundance is available, and your birthright.