Aries, this week initially blasts off with more fiery energy and you’ll be feeling it. On Tuesday, Mercury joins the Sun (who’s happily in its home sign) in Leo. Mercury in Leo has us all naturally exuding more confidence, as well as more of a ‘go to the beat of your own drum’ kind of energy. Aries, this is your city. When placed against its polarity of Aquarius (with the past and upcoming Full Moons) – you might be noticing themes of ‘put yourself first’ versus ‘service to others.’ A conscious balance is required here, and it’s up to you what that looks like! Later in the week with Mars entering Virgo, the idea of making more intentional decisions, will be heightened. This transit asks you to take a good and careful look at the way you construct your daily life Aries. Is it really working for you? What could be improved?