Key themes: Clarification of visions, getting to work, honoring the process, focus, balancing relationships

Aries, September has the potential to be one of those months which offers a course redirection. The cosmic forecast is a little less turbulent this month (finally), and the stars are inviting you into a place of restoration and recalibration. Specifically, you’re being encouraged to focus and channel your actions, thoughts, words and energies into that which truly serves you. The good news is, with a few of our retrogrades wrapping up – your new lens of clarity will make it obvious how to go about it.

September 3rd launches these clarifying vibes with Venus ending its retrograde, going direct in the sign of Leo. Since late July, this retrograde has been inviting you to re-evaluate the way you’re doing life. If you’ve been feeling discomfort in spheres of wealth, career, health, love, friendships or even your relationship to self – take it as a good sign that you’ve been paying attention. Retrogrades invite us to rework what’s not working; and moving through Leo, this particular Venus retrograde has been more self-oriented than usual. As it wraps up, you’ll receive epiphanies and aha moments. You might finally feel fed up with a few things, but either way you’re being prompted to take action and make the changes required.

We’re not completely out of the woods though, with Jupiter starting its retrograde the very next day (September 4th – December 31st), through Taurus. Given that Jupiter rules expansion and life purpose, this transit can evoke a feeling of ‘stuck-ness.’ It can kind of feel like the universe has stopped conspiring in your favor. There are a number of shades within the silver lining here though. First, this retrograde encourages us to notice how much the universe usually does conspire in our favor. Second, when the external motions slow down, we’re granted a unique portal of focus on our inner worlds. Moving through Taurus, this transit is about honoring the process of slowing down, your body and earthly senses. Keeping it simple, and finding new “wealth” in this space.

Our Virgo New Moon (September 14th) evokes more earthy, grounded vibes. Activating your sector of wellness, routine and detoxification – if there were ever a time to seed some new healthy habits, it would be now. New Moons always carry manifestation potential, so with this one I encourage you to think about what you would like to call in over the next lunar cycle (month) and how you can initiate the process. This Moon encourages you to balance practical spheres with your dreams, visions and feelings.

The next day (September 15th) Mercury wraps up its retrograde, going direct in one of its home signs: Virgo. This brings more illumination and mental clarity into your life, and for this reason it may be beneficial to carve out some time for solitude. Whether that means meditation, or simply sitting and daydreaming – take some time out to listen to the new streams of inspiration which flow through. This is an auspicious day!

Aries, the equinox portal (fall or summer depending on your hemisphere) unfolds on September 23d, auspiciously initiating the world into new seasons, as well as Libra season – which for you, brings a focus on relationships. It will also be a day to honor the rhythms and cycles which so beautifully and silently rule our planet.

The Aries Full Moon on (September 29th) will powerfully further this focus, as themes of reciprocity and balance come through and carry onto next month. A Full Moon in your own sign is always a potent experience, and this one invites you to celebrate you, whether that be with loved ones or yourself.