Key themes: Accepting help from others, honoring your body, alchemical transformation and changes, finding balance in relationships

And just like that, we’re back at Eclipse season!? Aries, with the Lunar North Node now in your sign, October is going to bring powerful shifts of transformative and alchemical energy. Whether you ride the waves or resist them – it’s certainly not going to be boring!

On October 4th, Mercury enters Libra, adding to the solar energy currently illuminating your opposite sign. Your sector of relationships is being activated here, so you may find that you’re being encouraged to open up. As a cardinal fire sign you’re notorious for being unable to ask for help Aries… but this Libra season is inviting you to (where applicable) notice where you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Even if it’s a case of simply asking for an opinion so you can learn what not to do – there’ll always be gifts in collaboration and information exchange – particularly with our planet of communication in the zodiac’s most social sign.

Four days later (October 8th), Venus will enter Virgo and for you activate more tangible spheres like wellness and routine. Here, you’re being invited to align your personal values (Venus) with your everyday actions and habits (Virgo). This sign is also all about health, so if you’ve been lacking some discipline when it comes to daily movement, food choices and so on – this may start to shift. The universe wants to remind you that you have a deep relationship with your body, and it’s one worth nurturing. Your body was your very first companion in this life, and it will (one day) be the one you spend your final moments on earth with. It knows you intimately, and does it’s best to keep you thriving. Place an emphasis on honoring it this month, in whatever ways speak to you.

We’ll be heaving a collective sigh of relief on October 10th, with Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn. This transit has been stirring up your sector of career and finances, since May 1st Aries. If you’ve been feeling squeezed in these spheres it will be an important time to notice any themes coming full circle at this time. What lessons have you learned since May? How have you grown? Have you overcome any fears?

A few days later your planetary ruler, Mars, enters Scorpio. In traditional western astrology, Mars actually co-ruled your sign as well as Scorpio. In other words, the planet of action has a particular resonance with the sign of transmutation. Aries, with this transit illuminating your sector of shadow work and subconscious healing, you’ll feel a pull towards all things deep, multi-layered and real. Some of the lighter Libra season vibes may shift into more serious conversations, intimacy and/or conflict. Trust that any hiccups, blow ups or shifting dynamics are there for a reason. A transit like this tends to reveal your truth, regardless of how pretty it is or not.

Huge energies will build up around the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, which unfolds on Oct 14th. As well as eclipse energy generally being particularly potent, this time will be incredibly powerful for you – as this eclipse falls on the lunar nodal axis of your sign Aries. You may experience more focus (than perhaps ever) on your relationships and connections; what they mean to you; where your sense of balance and needs intersect. You’ll be working with these themes for the next year or so – so pay attention!

If you pay attention Aries, you’ll notice a thread of themes which connect the Libra eclipse with the next Taurus Full Moon Eclipse, on October 28th. This one wraps up our nodal journey with the Taurus-Scorpio axis, meaning you’re in for some epiphanies. This will be one of the most profound full moons of the year, get ready!

You’re going to ride the eclipse wave of momentum into November, and the good news is you’ll receive a green light with Saturn (ruler of time and limitations) wrapping up its retrograde and going direct in Pisces. Suddenly, that path to your dreams is going to seem much more accessible… whether it’s a feeling, an inspiring conversation or a new opportunity.