Aries, 2022 started out with Mercury entering Aquarius and with the first New Moon of the year in Capricorn. You’re being invited to think outside the norm, while centering your heart in the structures you need to hold you through. When Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th, you may have a hard time fitting in. On the 18th Uranus goes direct just before Aquarius Season begins, reminding you of your worth, and how you don’t need to be the same person as you were before in order to belong. With the Full Moon in Cancer the next day, you’ll be in your feels. Spend time with the ones that make you feel safe. During the last week of January, Mars enters Capricorn, and Venus goes direct in the same sign. You’ve been on an inner and outer search towards your true life path. You may have had to let go of some things. Now you’ll be more able to take further action towards what you want.