Key themes: Reclaiming your power, expression and your inner fire, balancing relationships with self, releasing, magic and manifestation.

Aries, June saw a huge cosmic shift with the lunar nodes switching (after 18 months) out of the Taurus-Scorpio axis, and into yours. With the North Node now in Aries (for the next year and a half), you’ll be embarking on a particularly potent journey of self-discovery, and you’ve just entered its first chapter. As a collective, we’re being called towards honoring and reclaiming our sovereignty, rekindling our drives, and stepping into new roles as warriors of light – all of which will be even more so compelling to you Aries.

The month begins with a bang: an Aquarius Full Moon (on August 1st). Aries, this activates your sector of community and belonging, initiating a theme of ‘how you relate to others’ which will follow you through the month. You might get start-stop vibes around this time, as Mars (planet of action) forms a harmonious connection with expansive Jupiter. Yet, the Full Moon squaring Jupiter suggests you could be feeling some inner conflict inhibiting you from moving forward. It’ll be a powerful time to pause, find solitude, space – and check in with yourself. If you’re having trouble finding clarity, why not play some (wordless) meditation music off YouTube, close your eyes, and see what your subconscious comes up with?

On August 9th it’ll be worth exercising patience and an open mind – especially when it comes to relationships. Venus (planet of love and beauty), which is currently retrograde, will be forming a tension with Uranus in Taurus. This can indicate uncomfortable shocks or plot twists; at the very least a surprise which may feel a little destabilizing. This is one of those times to remember, this too shall pass. Hiccups within relationships do not indicate all is lost, or that you’re failing!

On August 16th it’ll feel like the fire is turned up with a New Moon in Leo. This one activates your sector of authenticity and creative expression Aries. In other words, if there was a time to feel yourself, it would be now. Your fellow fire sign’s energy is all about honoring your inner child, reconnecting with the world in a way that fills you with wonder, and reigniting that inherent spark of fire. Tip: optimism can be a game changer.

The Sun shifts out of its home sign on August 23rd, bringing us into Virgo season: the zodiac’s equivalent of spring cleaning month. With Mars also in Virgo (up until the 27th, where it shifts into Libra), you’re invited into a unique portal of productivity. It’s time to declutter, dissolve distractions, get your head down, find your rhythm and get to work – whatever that means for you.

On the same day (August 23rd) we have Mercury going retrograde, and – before you freak out – remember, retrogrades simply make clear to us what isn’t working. Mercury stationing retrograde through Virgo (one of its ruling signs), offers the perfect opportunity to refine your habits, routines and incidentally your life – getting into a space that feels better than ever.

More retrograde energy approaches on August 28th, where we have Uranus stationing retrograde through Taurus. We’re collectively pretty familiar with Uranus in Taurus at this point (it’s been there for over four years). We’ve felt it through upheavals in global financial systems, increased costs of living, the pandemic and so on. It’s worth noting that Uranus’s last Taurus transit (1935–1942), also saw both the Great Depression and WWII. This will be a time for re-evaluating the ways that you’re earning your living, financial structures and what “wealth” really means to you. Remember, regardless of plot twists (standard Uranus energy) – you’re a powerful being. Aries, abundance is your birthright.