Key Themes: Celebration, simplifying, honoring the five senses, strengthening your spiritual chord, alchemy

Aries, the Sun’s dance through your sign means that we’re officially in your season for the bulk of April, and in divine resonance, it looks like it’ll be a beautiful month. The cosmos has been busy with some highly potent transits taking place at the end of last month, such as Pluto’s shift out of Capricorn (where it’s been for the last 15 years), into Aquarius (where it’ll stay for the next two decades). The planet of deep healing and fear, reminds us that when we try to ignore, reject or suppress that which scares us… it falls into our subconscious (Pluto) and influences our actions from there.

The reverberation of this is going to be felt for months, and because this is a collective transit, you’ll start noticing some big shifts in the behavior of our global family. Now in Aquarius, we’ll see Pluto raising the shadow sides of this sign. Think: hive mind thinking, technological advancements which further disconnect from our own humanity and each other, blind adoption of AI. It’ll be an interesting time, Aries, and one where you’re encouraged to cultivate your own discernment, sovereignty and certainty of where you stand. A similar theme arises with the other major transit we’ve just had, Saturn into Pisces. Because this activates your sector of spiritual connection, you’ll be on a potent journey of figuring out what life uniquely means to you, on its deepest levels.

If you’re feeling a little confused, it’s perfectly natural. Trust that everything will land in time. Besides, a perfect grounding energy will arise as Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd. Aries, here you’ll notice your mind slowing down and opening to more presence. If this doesn’t arise naturally, you’ll do well to consciously cultivate more spaciousness. Mercury in the first earth sign of the zodiac, is a reminder of the beauty in Simplicity. Because your sector of sensuality and health is being activated, it’ll be a great time to reconnect with the four elements. Simplify your life and spend time with nature. We’re in the season of your solar return which evokes a (wonderful) backdrop of celebration, but remember this is something that can be felt inwardly, calmly, and quietly too. Less time on your phone will serve you well here.

Four days later we have the Full Moon in your opposite sign, Libra (April 6th). Because this activates your sector of relationships and socializing – evoking the desire to share your special moments with loved ones, or perhaps new connections.

There’s a message here with this moon for you, of balancing your sense of self with your desire for connections. There’s a perfect sweet spot that lands right in the middle, and it’s up to you to decide what that looks like for you. The blast of social energy will only deepen as Venus enters Gemini on April 11.

On April 20th you’ll have an auspicious and powerful day with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign. Wow. If you’ve had the feeling that your 2023, or new astrological year (began March 21st), hasn’t been going the way you’ve intended… guess what – you’re in for some new blank page energy. This potent night, and days surrounding, will be the perfect time for deeply seeding intentions, visualizing your goals, and releasing anything and everything that does not serve you. Try and come up with three resolutions with the commitment to stick to them (as best you can) for a month. Return to your intention in four weeks and notice the profound shifts that have arisen… This is alchemy Aries.