Key themes: New beginnings. Intentionally catalyzing change in your life. Creating a positive impact on the world around you.
The bulk of this month is Aries season, with the sun in your powerful sign. This means the cosmic spotlight is on you! It’s a fresh new chapter in your journey; a time for wrapping up loose ends, and birthing new visions.
April kicks off with a New Moon in your sign, furthering this theme. You might be feeling either restlessness or infused with motivation in the days surrounding it. Aries, your sign reflects the very human phenomena of Desire: you came here to (amongst other things) create, and enact your will upon the world – to see your manifestations come to life in magical and powerful ways. This will be a huge part of what fills your cup, and 2022 can be your year.
In fact, the new astrological year only actually starts at the beginning of Aries season, so this is a fresh start on all levels. You can use this blank slate energy to deeply connect with your powers of creation, in a brand-new way. More specifically, connecting with creating what YOU want to see and experience in the world.
With Venus entering Pisces on April 5, we see the planet of Love exalted to its highest state. The world might (finally) start to feel a little bit more connected, loving and capable of change.
There’s a message here for you Aries, about trusting the divine unfolding, whether it seems problematic from a human perspective or not. This doesn’t mean simply becoming a bystander to injustice – after all, your sign carries the archetype of the spiritual warrior. It’s more about recognizing that sometimes, darkness and gunk have to arise in order to be healed and transformed. It’s all part of a process.
This may feel particularly highlighted, as we have Pluto going retrograde towards the end of April. Global, national and personal events of the last months may have already been shocking and upsetting, and to feel this reaction is perfectly natural. However, remaining in a space of overwhelm will prevent you from moving into a state of empowerment. This will limit your perspective, and your ability to shape your own circumstances.
Rather, try and consciously use any discomfort, anger and frustration – to shift you directly in the opposite direction. What steps can you take to bring about positive change in your life, and the world around you? Remember Aries: you’re just as capable of creating change, as the most powerful revolutionaries that have come before you.
We’re in an incredible decade of global and collective transformation, where as much is being built as it is destroyed. Be mindful of getting lost in the chaos, because there really is silver lining all around you. You might become extra aware of this on April 8, where Jupiter comes into a harmonious connection with the Lunar North Node. On this day you’ll likely receive some inspiration, or maybe a feeling of lightness and expansion – regarding the future and your place in it.
On the 16th, the Full Moon casts a light on your relationships reminding you that you don’t have to figure this all out alone – to lean on friends and loved ones, to inspire and uplift you when and if the burden becomes too much.