Trust your journey, Gemini. As we move closer towards the new astrological year, you’re on a journey of self-trust. The Taurus Moon and Jupiter will meet early in the week, deepening the sensation that you’re becoming more present with yourself. You might feel inclined to stop filling the gaps between tasks with phone scrolling – and to instead sit with yourself. There’s no denying that the cosmic energies of the last six months have been intense globally, and it’s often at these points that you will go further into yourself. Challenges present you an opportunity to become more tender with yourself… then transformation occurs. Alongside the Moon (in your sign) trine to Mars, you may notice yourself emerging differently. You’re beginning to feel bolder, more empowered, embodied and connected to yourself. The Moon’s shift into Cancer on Saturday brings a softness into the mix. Here, you’re invited to deepen this internal relationship to yourself – trusting that from here, your choices will begin to naturally and healthily shift; and by default, the external mirror of your life too will transform…