Gemini, we have some huge collective energies shifting this week, as we all follow the Sun in its shift to Aquarius season. With Jupiter now direct and your sector of life purpose illuminated, you’re going to start noticing solutions and opportunities flowing through – all in ways that you never could have imagined. This year brings the end to a 7-year cycle, so it may be worth reflecting on themes that arose back in 2017. How are they coming full circle now? Your objective here is to simply allow what flows to do so; to open your heart as wide as possible, in order to receive as much as you can contain. Even receiving blessings can feel quite cathartic, so be gentle with yourself to integrate change healthily. With Pluto entering Aquarius (Jan 20th) this week, you’ll also be witnessing one of the biggest global energy shifts of the year. You’ll be observing the new; in its various shades. With the planet of collective transmutation now in the sign of revolution… the future is coming in hot.