Dear Gemini, more transformation to come. The astrology through until March is picking up momentum, and this week is no exception to that. On Monday, your planetary ruler (Mercury) joins Pluto in Capricorn, illuminating any fears or limiting beliefs you have relative to expressing your authentic self. You may start to notice increasing circumstances where clear and radically honest communication is necessary. If so, trust yourself to skilfully and gracefully move through them. After all, as a Gemini, communication (whether verbal or not) is your strong suit. Wednesday brings clarifying and dreamy vibes with harmonious connections between Venus, Uranus, Mars and Neptune. This will be a good time to revisit any old creative projects, or start some new ones – simply for the sake of creating. When was last time you did nothing but listen to your favorite playlist? Wednesday is very that. On Friday (Jan 9th) our Aquarius New Moon activates your sector of life purpose, travel and truth. What springs to mind when you hear those words? Perhaps a special journey is in the cards; visiting loved ones, honoring those who have passed, or driving with no particular destination in mind.