Dear Gemini, this week will feel a little calmer than the last, but there are still deeply transformative currents moving through the cosmos, and your inner world! The moon travels through Cancer, and enters Leo (on Wednesday). You’ll be feeling more aware of your personal boundaries, and the universe is supporting you in asserting yourself where necessary. Conflict is never really fun, but avoiding it at all costs may cost you. Trust in your ability to express your truth, with clarity and grace. Besides, your planetary ruler (Mercury) will enter Pisces on Friday, illuminating your personal expression with even more divine magic than usual. On Saturday, we have a Virgo Full Moon opposite Saturn, and harmoniously conversing with Jupiter in Taurus. Activating your sector of home and family, this one invites you to find beauty in the small moments. The world might be world-ing, as it does – and that ain’t always pretty… but know that you have power in what you choose to engage with, hold onto, or accept for yourself. If you need to take a break before returning to the front line, do so, and enjoy it.