KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 25 – 26, 2024

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is inviting you to seek out opportunities to collaborate with others, Sag. These days will be about recognizing your community. There may be endings and new beginnings when it comes to the ones you surround yourself with. You’re recognizing who is on your same wavelength, who are the ones that share the same values, hopes and dreams as you do, and the ones that are there to help, hold and listen to you in the ways that you need and desire. Just remember that you’ve got to allow yourself to be helped, held, and listened to. I know vulnerability is scary, but don’t rush the process. Cultivating connections in a process, and sometimes it requires holding space for uncomfort, and doing so will only make the bond stronger. Don’t push away the people that bring out the best in you.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 22 – 24, 2024

Bring your authentic self into your career this weekend, Sag. Mercury is going through its pre-shadow period before going retrograde on April 1st. It’s a good time to slow down and review what needs to be reworked or renewed in our lives. Take it easy on making important decisions for the next month, unless it’s absolutely necessary, then make sure that you dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s before going into anything. This is a good time to tap into your need for self-expression and joy. How can you bring more of yourself into what you do? The things that come easy to you are there for a reason, they’re part of your natural gifts. It’s important that you don’t take them for granted, and that you use them wisely as much as possible. You can prepare for the Full Moon in Libra which is ushering in the first eclipse season of the year by tapping into your sense of belonging and the ones that make you feel a part of something bigger.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 20 – 21, 2024

Pull focus to your horizons and take a moment to enjoy the view. Try not to get caught up in what the future demands of you. Instead allow yourself to dream beyond that. Dream wildly about what’s in store for you, and come up with ways to breathe that into your daily routines. Sag, with your ruler Jupiter in Taurus for the next two months, you’ll feel a surge of optimism and expansion as you continue to dream bigger than ever before. But with Mercury in its shadow period, there are still some things you need to finish up or re-evaluate before launching your next big project. This Taurus energy is teaching you to slow down and pay attention to what may have been overlooked.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 18 – 19, 2024

It’s a powerful time to reflect on your personal boundaries, Sag, as the Moon moving through the sign of Cancer. Then as it shifts into Leo, you’re invited to open up, explore and take a step outside of your comfort zones. The Sun is shifting into Aries on Tuesday, making way for the new astrological year, energizing your process of self-discovery, where you’ll be tapping into your real nature, and into the powers that lie within it. If you’re willing to let go of any kind of false sense of self or self-deception, you’ll find yourself becoming more powerful and creative than ever before. Your main focus right now is tapping into what makes you feel joy and pleasure, what sparks your creativity, and what ignites your inner child.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 15 – 17, 2024

Get in touch with your most sensitive emotions, Sag. We’re navigating through a Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini, which will be void on Saturday night, and come into its First Quarter phase Sunday at midnight, and we’ll be feeling more active and social energies. This weekend will be great for going out and having a good time with friends or loved ones. You may have a lot of ideas that you want to put into action, so don’t hesitate to gather your tribe and let them know what you’re up to. You can make great progress right now when it comes to social connections or networking. On Sunday the Moon shifts into the sign of Cancer, bringing some warmth into what it is that you most want to collaborate with in life.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 13 – 14, 2024

Seek the power in vulnerability, Sag. The Moon is currently in the earthy sign of Taurus, a great time to set intentions and make wishes come true. Take time to reflect on where you are and where you want to be. This eclipse season has brought so many changes and reflections. This is an opportunity to ground into your sense of safety, your right to be here, and your capacity to sustain yourself. It’s time to take better care of yourself in every way possible. Your body wants nurturing and support, as well as your emotional self. Pay attention to your limits. You may want to get too many things done these days, but don’t overextend your energy. Remember that rest is necessary in order for productivity to take place.