KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 11 – 12, 2024

Release your fears and take a leap of faith today, Sag. Venus enters Pisces on Monday, where it will be for the next 3.5 weeks, helping us set aside time to go within and connect with our heart and soul. This is a great time to focus on the things that make you feel safe, while remaining open to tapping into an expanded sense of security through love and creative expression. Embrace whatever is being unearthed within you. Connect with the songs, traditions, stories, recipes of your family and your lineage that give you pleasure, joy and make you feel safe. Show your love to the ones in your life that are like family and that offer you safe spaces. Surround yourself with the people in your life that nurture you, and offer a sense of belonging.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 8 – 10, 2024

Harness your personal power this weekend, Sag. This will be a good time for introspection and making space for the new. It’s time to get clear about what needs to be cleared out in order to make room for what’s coming. Mercury enters Aries on Saturday, heating up your mind process within the realm of your creative self-expression. Be direct about what you want to express, and about what you desire from life. Then on Sunday, we have the New Moon in Pisces, exact at 5:00 am EST, inviting you to water your gardens. Say no to what endangers your foundations, and say yes to what strengthens it. No matter how tempting and shiny things may be, make sure to put your care first. Get clear about the ones that deserve to be invited into your inner world, and make sure they know they’re loved. Nurture yourself, nurture your loves.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 6 – 7, 2024

Pay attention to the impulses that come up right now, Sag. As Wednesday begins with the Capricorn Moon Void, we may be revisiting things from the past, so it’s not a good time to start anything new. Instead, let’s focus on clearing out any old issues and make way for fresh starts when the Moon enters Aquarius on Wednesday evening. Your ruler, Jupiter, moving through Taurus until May, is inviting you to revise your plans for expansion and to see what you can do in order to manifest your visions, while finding ways to become more secure within your inner world. Mercury will enter Aries soon, so the next days are best for communicating anything that you’ve been mulling over in regards to your family, your home, the ones you live with, or your friends that are like family to you. Speak from the heart and remain open to listening to their part.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 4 – 5, 2024

Feel free to take a break, Sag, as we start the week with the Moon void of course in your sign, making it more of a restful day than one for taking action. But you can start to feel out what’s coming up for you this month. The Moon then moves into the sign of Capricorn on Monday afternoon, inviting you to connect with your worth. Check in on the work that you can do around self-value and self-appreciation through cultivating your skills and inner resources. Your ruler, Jupiter is in Taurus, activating a dialogue between your work and your sense of identity. You’re figuring out which are the rhythms that nourish you, and finding the best ways to prioritize them. Be real with yourself and with others as much as possible about your needs.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Mar 1 – 3, 2024

It’s time to make room for new beginnings, Sag. We begin Friday with the Moon in the depths of Scorpio, and by Saturday, we enter into a more light-hearted mood with the Moon moving into your sign and coming into its Last Quarter Moon phase on Sunday. With the Moon in your sign and your ruling planet, Jupiter, in Taurus, you’re encouraged to release the past and embrace what truly serves your growth. As you feel the pull out of your cocoon, the urge to experience more of life intensifies. However, with Mars in Aquarius, be mindful not to overextend yourself. Sunday’s semi-square between Jupiter and Neptune also suggests a time for careful consideration of your dreams and illusions. Embrace this period of transformation with open arms, but proceed with caution.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Feb 28 – 29, 2024

The Moon transitions from Libra into Scorpio on Wednesday, inviting you to release what no longer serves you. These next 2.5 days are a great time for letting go of the old, in order to make way for the new once the Moon enters your sign, Sag. You’ll be feeling a deep sense of purpose and connection to your own path right now, especially as Mercury comes into the heart of the Sun in a very close connection to Saturn on Wednesday. You’ll get a sense of knowing where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Write these insights down so you can come back to them. You’ve got big dreams, don’t be afraid of setting the nurturing foundations needed in order for your roots to ground even deeper and your branches to grow even higher.