Dear Capricorn, invest in what helps create a deeper connection to your days. The New Moon in Pisces is happening on the 10th, exact at 5:00 am EST, in your area of communication and daily activities. Practice being more present through each detail and event of the day instead of rushing through and on to the next thing. Mercury is going through its last days in Pisces, so in preparation for this New Moon and taking advantage of Mercury’s influence in your sector of ideas, make sure you’re sharing your wisdom. Allow for your empathic and spiritual nature to shine through your words. Then as Mercury shifts into Aries, where it will be for the next two months, it reminds you how conversations can many times uncomplicate things. Having conversations with your family –blood or chosen– can be very revealing during this time. Sunday’s New Moon wants you to slow down. It wants you to trust life’s mishaps instead of getting frustrated that the direction of your day differs from what you wanted or expected. This is a time to be with life instead of trying to control it. Conversations with loved ones can lead to deeper understanding of where your energy is best placed. Don’t rush past your interactions.