Dear Capricorn, the week begins with an earthy grand trine between Mars in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo on Monday. This transit is set to kindle your inner flame, offering you limitless artistic possibilities. Step out of your comfort zone and sink into what gives you joy, lights your passion, and indulges your pleasure. Let loose, play, flirt, have some fun. Follow your inner wisdom and your impulses. With Mars in your first house of identity and self-discovery until the 13th, you have all the energy you need to put towards your personal desires. On Friday, we have the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, exact at 6:18 pm EST. This is a time of intuition, understanding, letting go and setting new intentions. A few things that can aid you in this moment of transition between the Full and New Moon is connecting with like-minded people. Check in on your groups. Are you in the right community? Do you feel you can be yourself and express your ideas openly in the collectives you’re a part of? Do you feel supported?