The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. I wanted to start off the scopes with a Martin Luther King Jr. quote, as the week begins with his day, and as his life and resistance resonate so much with this 20 year Pluto in Aquarius transit that we’re just on the threshold of. Pluto and the Sun meet on the 20th, the same day that Pluto moves back into Aquarius and that the Sun gives way to Aquarius Season. The entrance of this two decades long transit is shaking the foundations of your finances and your sense of self-worth. You’ll be shaking off certain ideas and stories that you’re still carrying around about money and about worth that don’t serve you and that keep you from coming into a more fluid connection with your abundance. Start by recognizing these systems, habits and limiting beliefs, and work on dismantling them. This will be a great time to do some therapy or shadow work to let go of any generational trauma you and your family may hold in relation to scarcity.