Happy New Year Capricorn! We start the year with Mercury finally moving forward, and this will happen in the deepest area of your chart. You’ve mostly likely been swimming through deep waters and letting go of a lot during the last week of 2023. Things will slowly begin to clear up. What was haunting you will have much less of a hold, and you’ll be able to release some of that baggage that’s been weighing you down in order to start the year fresh. The Last Quarter Moon in Libra is happening on the 3rd in your area of professional pursuits. When it comes to your goals and aspirations, ask for what you want, say ‘no’ when needed, and check in to make sure you’re centering your needs and those of the causes you’re working towards. This will make more space for you to enter even deeper into your element once the first New Moon of the year (happening in your sign) comes rolling by next week. On the 4th, Mars will enter your sign, and what a way to start the year! Follow your impulses! Light a fire on what is no longer yours to tolerate! Go after your desires wholeheartedly!