Dear Capricorn, you’re being ushered into a whole new financial reality. The skies are buzzing with Aquarian vibes with Mercury, the Sun, and Pluto, and now Mars and Venus diving into the cosmic pool of the water-bearer this week. This means that your area of finances, talents, sensuality and self-worth is supercharged. Mars and Venus will both meet Pluto on the 14th and 17th, respectively. When planets cosmic rendezvous, they exchange vital information, so Mars and Venus are getting intel about the new realities that the Pluto Aquarius shift will bring. Your actions (Mars) and your intimacy (Venus) will begin to align with the unfolding Aquarian realities. During the next 20 years, a revolution will occur regarding how you value yourself and your talents, and with your relationship to abundance. Trust in your inherent resources, cultivate and strengthen your connection to your internal sense of worth. Take financial risks while softening the grip on your desired outcome. Dismantling beliefs related to scarcity is where your power lies right now. The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, and it’s the time of the year to attune yourself to the power that’s available in the simple act of being present with what’s around you.