Dear Cancer, it might be time to look at the same things, a little differently. Mercury meets Pluto at the first degree of Aquarius on Monday – a transit which you’ll feel as an added depth within your conversations, communication, and exchanges in general. We know that communication is never just on the level of language, with other factors like body language, intention, and subtle energy all playing into it. This week you’re invited to play with those extra layers; to observe deeply, and to express from a source other than words. To do so, is to move energy – a form of manifestation. Speaking of moving energy, on Friday you’ll experience a powerful Aquarius New Moon. This moon activates your sector of shadow work, transformation and healing. If possible, carve out the space for emotional release. This might mean journaling, sharing audio notes with a loved one, or having a big cry. New Moons are always powerful for bringing in new energy, so you might notice that releasing around this time will have an almost instantaneous impact. The week wraps up with the moon traveling into dreamy Pisces, reminding you that no matter how stressed you feel at times – there is a bigger picture; one in which you’re carried, held and so very loved.