Aries, if it feels like you’re inching towards a full circle moment, it’s because you are. As we collectively move closer to the Equinox, Aries season and your solar return, you’re in the perfect portal for self-reflection as well as tying up any loose threads. What are you ready to thank, then leave behind? Equally importantly; what are you ready to receive or step into? With Venus entering Pisces and a Taurus moon conjoining Jupiter early in the week, time will feel stretchy. You might catch yourself daydreaming, or wondering where the day went. Flow with it. We’re often led to believe that our energy output is predictable, mechanical and/or within our full control. Pisces season reflects the inaccuracy of that idea; as divine beings we are subject to cosmic and natural forces. We can dance and co-create alongside (and within) them, but that pace is not always determined by us. We have our own seasons of fall, spring, summer and winter. Enjoy rest, if your body and soul desire it at this time. After all, you’re about to enter a season of celebration.