Aries, Uranus has just gone direct in Taurus, an Astro signature which tends to bring either full circle moments, or plot twists… which then lead to full circle moments. Because this planet (which rules the nervous system) currently activates your sector of physical health, it will be worth honoring your body and nutrition even more so than ever. Ensure you’re staying hydrated, mindfully breathing, and getting plenty of rest. There’s often a jolting feeling of acceleration as we move out of the slowness of last year’s wind down, into a fresh new chapter – it’s up to you to navigate this for yourself with grace. There’s also a message here of listening out for your next steps. On February 2nd, a sextile between Mercury and Neptune reminds you that planning, career, finance and all of those more pragmatic spheres are still very much connected to ethereal forces. You can hear guidance and directions by tuning into spirit, your ancestors, your inner world – or even simply in the silence and pause between each breath.