Aries, the theme of the week is honoring yourself, as Venus moves into Capricorn (Jan 23rd), and we have a glorious Leo Full Moon. This Full Moon tends to mark a portal of optimism, playfulness, and joy. The archetype of Leo invites us to collectively honor the divine in ourselves, and the world around us. We’re also reminded that adopting a sense of humor – when it comes to areas which we might otherwise take personally – can actually be a tool of empowerment. This Moon activates your sector of self-expression, so you may feel a heightened boldness when it comes to putting yourself out there. Whether romantically, career-wise or somewhere else, you can channel these vibes into expanding far beyond your comfort zone. With Uranus going direct just a few days later (Jan 27th), this week may feel like a particularly auspicious time Aries. Enjoy!