Dear Virgo, embrace the mess that feelings make. The New Moon in Pisces is happening on the 10th, exact at 5:00 am EST, in your area of partnerships. Prepare to become a bit more vulnerable, to allow your broken parts to be felt, and to allow the ones you trust to see you as you are. Mercury is going through its last days in Pisces, so in preparation for this New Moon and taking advantage of Mercury’s influence in your relationship sector, it’s a good time to voice your needs, desires and fancies when it comes to sharing yourself intimately. Have these conversations with your lovers and besties. Write about it in your journal. Bring it to therapy. Then Mercury shifts into Aries, where it will be for the next two months, bringing some movement into your collaborations. This will be a time to have deep conversations without making things complicated. Sunday’s New Moon wants to soften your perfectionist nature. It wants you to be less afraid of failing and more invested in just being human. Remember that for your relationships to work you must be open to your own experience, even when you’d rather just shut down or shut others out.