Dear Virgo, as the Moon meets the South Node on the 27th, you may get a chance to connect with the ideas that keep you from taking certain financial risks. All through 2024 you’re going to be working on your self-worth and how it’s tied up to your abundance. Give yourself the chance to challenge the ideas that keep you from pursuing certain financial goals. Come out of your comfort zone, put yourself out there. There’s not much to lose and a whole lot to gain. On the 28th, a pretty auspicious alignment is going to occur when both Mercury and Saturn find themselves within the heart of the Sun in your area of relationships. Something is about to come to light in this area of your life, something that you need to know in order to move one, or something that you need to know in order to be able to dismantle certain relational structures that keep you from cultivating healthier relationships. This may come through another’s action, through information that someone offers you, or through your own insights, so keep an eye out. The week comes to an end with the Last Quarter Moon in Sag, inviting you to say what needs to be said, and to let go of what needs to be released within your familial and domestic spaces.