With your ruler Mars now in the sign of Capricorn, you’ll feel like a cosmic superhero this wknd, Scorpio. This is the type of energy we’ve been waiting for. We may have felt like we were in a state of limbo during Mars’ transit in Sag, or that we were spreading ourselves too thin and finding it hard to focus. Now that Mars is in Cap, we’re being activated to take more practical action when it comes to pursuing our long-term dreams. We’re also likely to feel more focused on matters related to intimacy and vulnerability, since Pluto, our modern ruler, is also currently in Capricorn for a few more weeks. Now that the post-retrograde haze is clearing up and the Moon spends all wknd in your sign, you’re being asked to step into your power as a creator, lover, and being who’s aware of their infinite potential. You know what needs to be done — it’s time do it! But also, rest and chill, because all the Sag energy in the cosmos could lead to burn out.