The Full Moon in Leo is happening on Thursday, and may prompt a focus on emotional patterns within your long-term pursuits, Scorpio. Feelings can surface regarding the life path you wish to move forward with, leading to potential breakthroughs. This Moon is in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, helping us ground our emotional world into this new era. Your roots are rumbling as you’re rediscovering who you are and who you have the potential to become. You might find yourself ready to address what’s been holding you back, whether that’s a tendency to overextend yourself or your need to withdraw as a way to protect yourself due to past hurts. With this Full Moon, you’ll feel a sense of relief and newfound freedom, as if a breath of fresh air is revitalizing your spirit. Embrace this time to lighten your soul’s burdens, which may include difficult but necessary farewells to familiar patterns. A new beginning is on the horizon.