Mercury Retrograde is over, Scorpio! You’re still likely to feel the post-shadow effects for the first two weeks of June, but from this point on, communications will flow with greater ease. Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, does begin its annual retrograde this Saturday though, and while its effects will be less potently felt than Mercury Retrograde, it’s going to shift the way Scorpios think about their family, their past, their roots, and their safe space. This is the final Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius that we’ll experience for 29 years, so view this as a rite of passage of sorts, Scorpio. Saturn in Aquarius has been teaching us lessons since March 2020, and many of them have to do with learning how to love with healthy detachment. You’ve made so much progress, and this 4.5 month retrograde will show you how far you’ve come. You’re still a profoundly loving person, but you also know how to release your need to control how you are loved. And that, Scorpio, is helping you grow, trust, and heal.