This second day of the Scorpio Moon can feel like you’re being tested. You may have a major project to wrap up, and you’ll be encouraging yourself to stay focused and not get too caught up in distractions. But the combo of Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces leads to you also wanting to simply play, relax, flirt, and laugh. Is there a way you can combine both your desire to be productive with your desire to explore? Maybe hit up a new in-person or virtual coworking spot, or integrate yoga breaks in between each hour stretch of work. Your imagination is quite potent at this time, so you can literally step into whatever new consciousness you choose to. But it may be a struggle if you’ve felt uninspired lately, so don’t try to transform everything overnight, Scorpio. Simply commit to 1-2 action items that you’ll make progress on, and end the month feeling aligned with your “why”.