Scorpio, how are you feeling after last wknd’s 12.12.21 ascension portal? This is a powerful time to set your intentions for how you’d like these next 2.5 weeks of the year to flow. The Universe is in a joyful mood as the week begins, so if you open your heart up to blessings, you’ll surely receive them. On Monday, Sag Season and the Aries Moon team up to help you be more adventurous, flirtatious, light-hearted, and expansive. You may be in the mood for an adventure with someone who makes you laugh and smile. Then on Tuesday, the Taurus Moon has you seeking stability and commitment in your partnerships — but make sure you’re showing up for your friends and lover(s) in the same way you’d like them to show up for you. If you find yourself making too many demands of yourself or others, take time to reflect on your own needs, and treat yourself with greater compassion.