Scorpio + Capricorn

Scorpio + Capricorn

When Scorpio and Capricorn come together, they tend to complement each other and are often quite compatible. Scorpio can be a very suspicious person, but there’s something about Capricorn’s energy that allows the Scorpio to open up to the sea-goat. It could be the fact that Capricorn tends to emit a serious, determined and dependable vibe. Capricorn isn’t the type of person to play games – they are serious business and an open book. Scorpio can find this both attractive and refreshing.

Capricorn is fiercely independent and has no problem handling things on their own, but Scorpio’s loyalty and reliability can become pillars of strength and support for the earth sign. They may view Scorpio as someone they can bounce ideas off of, who will always respond to them with honesty and integrity. Scorpio tends to follow their intuition and gut-instincts, while Capricorn is more objective and rational when it comes to decision-making. Luckily, both approaches complement each other, so as long as respect is present – this should be all good.

Although it may take time for both of their protective defenses to be lowered, once Scorpio and Capricorn open up to one another, they’ll likely feel they found someone who understands them and respects their vision. These are two of the most ambitious and determined signs of the zodiac, so when combined they make a nearly unbeatable duo. Both can place a high emphasis on professional career paths, so this duo is certainly one that may be encouraging each other to reach great heights. They are the definition of a power couple. But they should remember to passion play too!

Since Scorpio’s more emotional than Capricorn, a potential downfall may be at odds when it comes to expressing sentiments. For example, if Scorpio is passionate about something, they may be perplexed when Capricorn reflects a more detached outlook. Still, with time – Scorpio can learn to appreciate this difference between them. Capricorn can keep them grounded, centered and balanced. 

In return, Scorpio can help teach Capricorn to connect to life around them on a deeper, more intuitive and emotional level than they’re used to. With Scorpio’s help, Capricorn can learn to open up their heart to more facets of life.

Capricorn and Scorpio are signs that will accomplish a lot on their own, but they can create wonders when they direct their energies to a greater purpose. The combined energy of these two is unmatched.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.

Sagittarius + Capricorn

Sagittarius + Capricorn

Sagittarius and Capricorn share an intensity and ambition that infuses their connection with excitement and growth. If they can tap into patience, these beings gain much from learning from each other’s different styles and perspectives. 

Playful competition between Sag and Capricorn can be fun, as long as they remain mindful that it doesn’t veer into ego games or pettiness. Depending where they’re at on their personal journeys, these skymates can clash in ways that cut deep if they aren’t careful. 

On the other hand, when they join forces, their combined efforts have the potential to innovate on a global scale. They can hype one another up and will be inspired by one another’s passion and differences. Sagittarius imagines big picture possibilities, while Capricorn offers structure and direction to the vision. Maintaining balance will require hard work, but the fruits of that labor can make the challenge well worth the effort. 

Capricorn prefers to plan meticulously, looking to the long term, while Sagittarius is more drawn to spontaneity and risk-taking. This means that Sag can open Capricorn up to freedom and spontaneity, while Capricorn grounds Sag in stability and backs their confidence. 

Sagittarius inspires Capricorn to keep spirituality and purpose present in their ambitions. Capricorn in return, sets an example for Sagittarius on how to define concrete values and set practical priorities. Ultimately, this duo has a deep respect for each other’s passion and work ethic. 

Sag and Capriorn make the strongest pair when both members come to the table as accountable individuals who don’t need anything from one another, but choose to enjoy one another’s company. When this is the case, Sagittarius and Capricorn can make a fierce team. One thing to note is that as such proactive and fast-moving signs, there could be potential for burn out with these two. They’ll have to make a conscious effort to take breaks, vacations, and to stop and simply smell the flowers. 

Ultimately, there’s not a whole lot that can stop Sag and Capricorn when they have a shared vision. It’s up to this unconventional duo to decide what level of challenge is going to be fun, expansive and worth their while.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.

Capricorn + Capricorn

Capricorn + Capricorn

Capricorn and Capricorn are a resourceful pair that may find themselves in an incredibly growth-centric connection. There’s a high chance these skymates will grow their lives together and they’ll both encourage one another.

On the other hand, a Cap-Cap relationship could equally likely be extremely competitive – an emotional desert where conflict is completely suppressed. If one of these beings have a predominance of other elemental placements aside from earth, like a water moon sign, this relationship could be manageable. Such dense earth signs may need other energy to promote flow and movement between them.

If these two goats do manage to stick it out, the point of magnetism will be their ambitious attitudes. A Capricorn duo will make each other feel secure in their drive, and neither party will feel overburdened with taking charge in the relationship. These beings take turns spoiling one another and appreciate the mutually cautious pace in revealing their hearts and wounds. Indeed, it’s because of this slow and consistent build that this pair are likely to trust one another more than anyone else in their lives, both deeply understanding and making space for the other’s guardedness. 

To keep things fun and exciting in this relationship, it’s important for Capricorns in a connection to keep their bond open to social circles. That could mean spending time entertaining and going out to events to mix, mingle, and commune with others. As well as keeping things moving, fresh and interesting, doing so will mutually deepen this pair’s appreciation for each other.

To maintain civility when Cap-Cap horns lock, this duo will benefit from taking extended time apart to allow for egos to settle and hard feelings to surface in a healthy communicable way. Patience will be needed by the bucketful here, as neither member of this pairing will feel comfortable navigating the realms of emotional sensitivity.

Overall, a Cap-Cap duo will be enjoying the best of what life has to offer. Unlike the lustrous Leos, they won’t be flashy with riches but rather minimal and sharp. This duo will value traditions, family and loyalty. The last point, being one that can render this connection as strong as it gets.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.

Capricorn + Aquarius

Capricorn + Aquarius

Capricorn can often be immediately captivated by the innovative and daring air sign of Aquarius. Aquarians are magnetic in the way they simply don’t care about fitting into the status quo. They break the rules and do so with style and ease. This is unintuitive, but quite intriguing for a more traditionally-oriented earth sign.

Like Capricorn, Aquarians tend to be leaders who are not prone to taking the front seat, rather being the creative brains behind them. This pair will enjoy time alone, hiding out from the rest of the world and giving each other their total attention.

However, while Aquarians will enjoy quality time to learn as much as possible about Capricorn, they’ll also need copious amounts of time away. Often known as the most detached sign, Aquarians need time away from their loved ones to independently wrestle and sit with all they have observed. In a relationship, Capricorn has to be careful not to take this personally or as a lack of care. Fortunately, Capricorn can even appreciate the time apart, being a fairly independent sign itself. Both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn, so at their base, they’re more similar than they are different. 

A Capricorn-Aquarius pair is one of those connections that could be very magnetic, or bitterly cold. These signs will have to remember to stay connected to their hearts, in order to maintain a healthy attachment to one another. It’s too easy for both signs to get overly-analytical about their own feelings, so it’s important they actually bring compassion and care into this connection. This will look like being exceptionally intentional about spending quality time together.

Together, Capricorn and Aquarius skymates might be described as mad scientists who are often making magic in their hideaway laboratory. This isn’t far off, as the wisdom, insight and strategy this duo brings to its community is nothing short of magic.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.

Capricorn + Pisces

Capricorn + Pisces

A Piscean connection can soften the solid walls of Capricorn with an ease that can either scare or lure the earth sign in. Pisces are deeply intuitive and sensitive beings who feel what most have yet to even notice. This is what makes them great artists. Think of Bob Marley and Rihanna – they tend to speak directly to the core of our souls. Generally, this is a trait that Capricorn can either find incredible, or one they neglect completely.

To connect with Pisces, Capricorn must be willing to go with the unexpected. Pisces generally moves away from beings who are uptight to a point that they can’t be fully present in the moment, which could be problematic for a stressed-out Capricorn. Instead of planning hangouts with all the details worked out, Capricorn’s going to have to learn how to allow space and time for it to all flow together in a divinely organic way. As long as the vibe is right, Pisces will enjoy spending quality time with a grounded earth sign, who approaches the world in such a radically different way.

Because Pisces’’ primary desire is to live as freely as possible, allowing their imagination to run wild in the process, Pisces may take issue with rules and being consistent within structures. This will be a challenge for Capricorn, who’s the rule maker. Essentially, these beings will oftentimes find themselves speaking two very different languages. Where Pisces likes fluidity and whim, Capricorn prefers structure and plans. To help this pair maintain communication, it’ll be important for them to practice flexibility that allows firm boundaries, as well as fluidity when it comes to each other’s vulnerability. 

Capricorn grows a great deal from allowing Pisces to take the lead every now and then, but this too could be a challenge, especially for a wounded Capricorn. This is again why a Cap-Pisces dynamic always seems to either blossom or disintegrate. Yet, if acceptance and an embrace is made, these two will find themselves in a bountiful and lush connection, possibly for life.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes the way we view love and relationships, through the lens of astrology and synastry.