Skymates, five months ago during eclipse season, I shared with you that I (@dossevia), am the founder of this page. I’ve shared free daily scopes with this community for years, and I love the power of our collective evolution. Today is Thanksgiving in America, and as a descendant of Africans who were enslaved on Indigenous soil, I find it hard to celebrate this holiday knowing that America was built on the forced labor of Black and brown bodies. Help me transmute this energy into a healing cause: Magic & Melanin’s Homegoing Fund. I’m the founder of @magicandmelanin, a travel org that offers immersive experiences for those of African descent seeking to reconnect with their roots. This past summer the KTZ community helped MM raise $55,000, and we’re welcoming home dozens of people this year! Let’s double our impact and keep this mission going for our 2021 trips and beyond. If my work speaks to you and has helped you on your journey (especially if you’re a non-Black reader), consider donating any amount today as a form of reparations. Thank you!