Change is in the air, Skymates. This weekend, we have an Aries Moon coming into tense connection with planets in Capricorn. This reflects an imbalance; between themes of personal sovereignty, and the structures that exist in the world around us. Beautifully, a wave of expansion follows, as the Moon moves on to harmoniously connect with planets in Aquarius. Here, we’ll receive reaffirmation of our personal power, as divine and sovereign beings. We are limitless. Virgo, if the last weeks have been a little challenging it’s worth remembering that obstacles always carry the potential to expand us beyond our comfort zones. Over the next few days, listen closely for any intuitive ideas or impulses. Tip: being uncomfortable where you are, does not mean that you’re failing. It’s simply a message alert from the universe asking you to adapt, and re-align with circumstances that serve your highest good.