Virgo, what new ideas are you interested in exploring? Friday’s energy invites us to look at what’s missing in the grand scheme of things in order to be more responsive within our day-to-day lives, and the conversations we have on Saturday may affect the course of our life path on a soul level, so pay attention. On Sunday, the Moon unites with Venus, which entered the sign of Gemini earlier this week in your area of professional pursuits and social status, activating this theme that will be present until July 17th. I know you like to let your work speak for itself. But this time is about giving yourself permission to flaunt your accomplishments for a change. This will be your charm during the next few weeks. You’ll be getting more public recognition than usual, so it’ll be a good idea to liven up your portfolio and social media. Be proud of how far you’ve come and of how bright the road ahead seems to be.