Virgo, now is the time to re-evaluate any impulsive decisions you may have made while Mercury was retrograde in Gemini. Give yourself permission to change your mind as needed, even if you thought you were going to stick to a certain plan. This is particularly the case when it comes to relationships, as this is Neptune’s first week retrograde in Pisces, and this activates your partnership sector. Monday – Wednesday you’re likely to be in your feels about someone who’s been monopolizing your attention. By Thursday, the Aries Moon will help boost your confidence and communication skills, allowing you to speak up about what’s on your mind. Then this weekend you’re likely to feel ultra creative and adventurous under the Taurus Moon, making it an ideal time to spend time outdoors or go on a date. Take it easy on Sunday though, because the Moon and Mars will be in conflict with each other, making it easier for you to lose your patience.