Happy New Moon Virgo! We’re experiencing the Moon shifting into her new lunar cycle, with tonight’s New Moon in Gemini. Because this New Moon unfolds on the North Node of Uranus, it marks the beginning of a progressive and revolutionary month. Virgo, for you this will be a time of taking practical steps and actions. There’s a highlighting of your sector of career and finances here, so this New Moon may bring you new ideas, downloads, or epiphanies as to how you can manifest your ideal situation in these regards. With the Uranian influence, there’s also the suggestion that your way forward will not be one rooted in ways of the past; rather, unconventionality may be the best option here. Uranus in Taurus is further shaking up the ways humans have traditionally maintained financial security. Virgo, now might be a time to consider experimenting with more ‘out-of-the box’ ways of earning and growing your wealth.