Virgo, the moon (ruler of our emotional worlds), is going on a journey through Aries. You’ll likely experience an influx of uplifting energies due to its harmonization with Saturn, and its meeting with Venus. This could feel like the puzzle pieces of your life starting to fit together Virgo. If you’ve had any loose ends or question marks, pay close attention to what’s being wrapped up. With the powerful eclipse energies drawing to a close, you’ll likely be receiving some closure and ‘full circle’ dynamics. If this unfolds, be present and find gratitude for all the mini journeys that make up your path. The Moon will go on to evoke a more challenging energy with a tension to Pluto in Capricorn. This could raise themes like unhealthy power dynamics, limiting beliefs and fears. Be present and gentle with yourself Virgo – it’s simply time to practice radical self-love.