It’s the last week of Libra Season, and we’re one week away from the solar eclipse in Scorpio that’ll shake up the status quo. You can probably already sense the shifting seasons and turning tides. Sag, this eclipse szn is helping you process your spiritual needs, through releasing the urge to control your financial assets. Jupiter, your planetary ruler, is 10 days away from re-entering Pisces, where it’ll remain until December 20. Your materialistic tendencies are decreasing significantly due to this shift, and your imaginative, spiritual, and creative side is soaring. That doesn’t mean you won’t be focused on making money, but it means that money’s likely to come to you more easily the less you actively focus on making it. Spend the start of the week in conversation with spirit, under the Cancer Moon. Then by Tuesday, the Leo Moon will present you with a sudden solution to a lingering problem. All because you listened to yourself.