You’re feeling more grounded and in your body this weekend, as Neptune, the Planet of Magic, has recently ended its retrograde in the sign of Pisces. This is a powerful time to think about your intentions ahead of next week’s new moon in your sign. For you, Sag, you may have been feeling a bit all over the place lately, and now that Neptune’s direct (and your ruler Jupiter is nearing the end of its retrograde), you can start to make more sense of what’s been going on. You may realize that you’ve been trying to do too much at once, and it’s time to simplify your life and focus on what matters most. If you’re feeling called to take a break from social media, do so. If you’re feeling called to take a break from a relationship, do so. If you’re feeling called to take a break from work, do so. Your intuition is guiding you towards the best path for you, and it’s important to listen to it.