Now that the full moon’s energy is waning, and the Moon, Mars, and Uranus are all in Taurus, we’re collectively feeling the urge to simplify our lifestyles and reflect on how we’d like the final 4 months of 2022 to flow. For you, Sag, your sector of health and routine is activated, making the next two days a good time for a health check-up, and also for starting new fitness or eating regimens that will make you feel great inside and out. The thing is, though, since your planetary ruler Jupiter is currently retrograde in Aries, you may be feeling more sluggish than usual, making it more challenging to be as physically motivated as you’d like. Try finding an accountability buddy, and instead of going to the gym, go on a hike or try something more earth-based. You can still invest in your health without pushing yourself to extremes. Balance is key.