Skymates, it’s a big week! And for you Sagittarius – a time for healing. We just had a major astrological event take place – with Uranus and Mars conjoining on the Lunar North Node. This means that over the next week, we’ll be collectively experiencing acceleration, elevation, or both. This energy intensifies the need for us to (as individuals) evolve into wiser versions of ourselves. We’re letting go of energies from the past – specifically all that holds us back from our fullest potential. Sagittarius, this energy is activating your sector of wellness and for that reason it’s worth paying particular attention to the balance of health within your body and mind. This portal could not be a more perfect time for detoxing yourself of negative influences. That could be anything from junk food to toxic relationships. You’re ready to step into a healthier version of yourself. What will help you function at your highest?