Trust the timing of your life, dear Archer. This first full week of the astro new year is filled with possibilities for new beginnings, but with the Moon in Cancer for today, we may collectively still be feeling pangs of nostalgia as we reflect on our past experiences and learn from previous relationships. Sag, there are many aspects of your life that may be in flux right now, especially with Mars, the Planet of Action, currently in Gemini and encouraging you to explore your options. Instead of stressing out about what to do next, today’s Cancer Moon encourages you to slow down and assess what feels right to do in the now moment. Living in the present provides infinite gifts to you because it allows you to take things breath by breath rather than letting your mind be clouded with anxieties about the future. This is an ideal time to think back to some of the moments in your life when you felt most at peace, and commit to bringing that energy into your current reality, however you choose to do so.