Pisces, this weekend continues the Leo New Moon vibes. We’re reigniting love for our inner child, our sense of play and the celebratory nature of life. We first have the Moon meeting Mercury (planet of communication) in Leo, as well as a Leo sun connecting harmoniously with Jupiter – which has just gone retrograde. Pisces, for you this weekend will be the perfect time to loosen any limiting beliefs that hold you back from living your fullest and brightest life. You can do this by simply celebrating and honoring your progress. Why not connect to your inner child – and have a conversation between who you were, and who you are now? You could do this by writing a letter to yourself. You’ll notice what’s changed, as well as your beautiful essence – which inherently remains the same. Pisces, You’re evolving into the highest version of yourself, by becoming more of who you already are – and that’s a profoundly beautiful thing.