Pisces, tap into your natural resources. The Moon will still be in Leo on Monday, before it moves into Virgo at the end of the day. Monday may bring tension for us all, in your case, something to do with your unconscious mind, your communications and your search for freedom. You may want to find the right words to express what you’re feeling, and it may not come easily. Some things are still being processed through the body. Find ways to connect with it, through exercise, or things that help your body come into deep relaxation. Tuesday brings a lot of change in energies. Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini, slowing things down when it comes to your home and family. Keep an eye out and review the foundations that your life is built upon. What needs to be upgraded? Then Jupiter moves out of your dreamy sign and into impulsive Aries, bringing more prosperity into your life. It’s time to believe in your worth, and to set your price accordingly.