Pisces, as the weekend begins, the energies are focused on you due to the Moon’s presence in your sign all day Monday. The Moon aligns with the energy of Sag Season, so you’re likely to be more open to hearing and discussing various perspectives regarding what’s happening socially and politically. Since Saturn, the Teacher Planet, is now direct in your sign, you’re being granted the green light to make meaningful changes to your lifestyle in order to feel more aligned with your purpose as the year comes to an end. For you, Pisces, you’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching this year, and with Neptune also direct in your sign, you’re finally ready to apply the insights you’ve received. This week, take time to reflect on all that you’ve learned and unlearned in 2023. Celebrate the fact that you’ve been your own guiding light, and allow yourself to bask in the glow of your own spiritual strength.