It’s Pisces Season baby! Pisces, congratulations on making another trip around the sun. Your beautiful season softens the cosmic energy of the collective,  as we celebrate the magic inherent to your sign. Here, we’re each reminded of our spiritual, more introverted selves – and invited to connect with our dreams. At this time, our emotions and empathy tend to become enhanced. As a result, we feel closer to the Universe and all of the beings who occupy it. Pisces, you’re officially at the point of your annual solar return. You’ll be feeling far more spiritually aligned and inspired than you have in months. Be intentional with how you use this renewed burst of energy. 2021 has a pretty wild forecast, so it will be powerful to harness the positive vibes, and channel them into foundations for your dreams. If you have any ideas or projects, it’s time to get to work. Enjoy the process, and celebrate yourself along the way.