Skymates, let’s talk Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrogrades are for sorting out details, and this one has a particular influence on our social networks. Mercury is about to conjoin Venus tomorrow, so the messenger planet will likely inspire a loving download. It’s worth checking in with ourselves, as we’re up to the last chapter of this retrograde (before it goes direct on Feb 20th). Pisces, this retrograde takes place within the sector of spirituality and intuition. You may have been feeling spiritually uninspired, or just a little flat lately – but that’s about to shift. Pisces, you’re being strongly prompted by the universe to deepen your sense of connection to it. If it’s not already the case, make nurturing your soul your number one priority. Getting totally distracted by the lesser aspects of life will only harm you in the long-term, you know that. The next few weeks will be a beautiful time to reconnect: through meditation, yoga, prayer or by simply conversing with your inner child.