Libra, you’re on a deep journey. Over the next few days we have finally Mercury ending its retrograde in Taurus. This energizes your sector of transformation and shadow work, so be prepared for any deep revelations and epiphanies around this time. You may even notice a sense of closure arising in areas which have otherwise evoked fear or discomfort. On June 4th, Saturn goes on to start its own retrograde – through the revolutionary sign of Aquarius (remaining retrograde until mid-October). This is a transit that invites us to breakdown all we think we know, about how life and the world operates. Libra because it’s illuminating your sector of play, self-expression and creativity – the universe is inviting you into a space of sharing your gifts with the world. Whether this means getting out of your comfort zone by stepping into a leadership role, asking your crush out or simply being more assertive – you’re ready for this!