KnowLibra Scope: Apr 24 – 25, 2024

The Full Moon in Scorpio has just occurred, and you’ll continue to feel its potent energy up to a few days after. Libra, now that your ruler Venus is rounding out its stay in Pisces, you’re feeling more intuitively aware in the way you express yourself. This full moon week can help you deepen your connection with yourself and others by being more honest about what’s on your mind. You don’t have to be afraid of conflict or confrontation — it’s often necessary for growth. So if there are things that have been bothering you lately, find a way to address them as calmly as possible. The Scorpio Full Moon will help you get to the root of any issue and find solutions that work for everyone involved.

KnowLibra Scope: Apr 22 – 23, 2024

The Moon is in Libra on Monday, then the Full Moon in Scorpio strikes on the 23rd at 7:49pm EST. We’re three days away from the end of Mercury Retrograde and six days away from Venus entering Taurus, making this full moon week a good time to start getting clear on what we want our next month to look and feel like, especially now that you’ve made it through eclipse season. Libra, you may find yourself in the mood to do something spontaneous and out of character as the week begins. You’re still feeling the effects of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus and you’re ready for a change of pace. Just make sure that you don’t do anything too impulsive — take your time with your decisions and actions.

KnowLibra Scope: Apr 17 – 18, 2024

The week continuee with a Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo, and we’re collectively feeling more confident and bold. Then once the Moon enters Virgo on Thursday, your sector of spirituality and healing is highlighted. For you, Libra, your friendship sector is activated by the Leo Moon, making it a powerful time to communicate your needs and desires to those you love or those you’ve been missing. You may have been holding back on saying what’s really on your mind, but your ruler Venus’ presence in Aries has made it easier for you to be more direct. This is the time to let people know what’s up. If you need space or time alone, say so. If you want more attention or affection from someone special, say so. The Universe will respond to your transparency by sending you the type of connections that feel most fulfilling and empowering for where you currently are in life.

KnowLibra Scope: Apr 15 – 16, 2024

With the Moon in Leo as the week begins, Libra, you’re feeling a strong desire to step away from routine duties and instead indulge in greater leisure with your loved ones Your efforts towards achieving equilibrium in your life are being supported by your ruler Venus’ motion in Aries, boosting your confidence in establishing necessary boundaries and asking for what you want. Therefore, dedicating time to socialize or connect with loved ones is encouraged, free from the burden of ‘should-dos.’ Embrace the brevity of life and the moments it offers for joy and relaxation.

KnowLibra Scope: Apr 12 – 14, 2024

The Moon starts off in Gemini this weekend, and then enters sensitive Cancer on Saturday, helping us collectively tune into both our intellectual and emotional needs and those of others. It’s a powerful time to set new intentions that take the recent Aries New Moon’s energy into account. For you, Libra, your sector of expansion is activated by the Gemini Moon, so you may find yourself daydreaming about your next adventure. You’re ready to explore more of the world and more of yourself. Just make sure that you’re not overextending yourself or making impulsive decisions due to your ruler Venus being in Aries. But since Mercury is still retrograde until the 25th, take your time with these new desires and let them marinate for a while before taking action on them…

KnowLibra Scope: Apr 10 – 11, 2024

The recently new Moon is now in the earthy sign of Taurus, helping us collectively focus on what’s essential and foundational in our lives. Libra, your sector of intimacy is activated by this lunar energy, making it a powerful time to be vulnerable with yourself and others about what you’re feeling, especially since the Solar Eclipse in Aries recently struck in your sector of partnership and marriage. You may have been going through a lot internally these past few weeks, and your planetary ruler Venus’ presence in Aries is making you feel more confident about sharing your needs with others. You don’t have to go through this journey alone, Libra. You are supported and deeply loved. This is a powerful time to set intentions for how you want to feel by the time we reach the Scorpio Full Moon on the 23rd.